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Let Mayan Wisdom Be Your Life Coach

Today’s Mayan Kin is {{kin_name}}


The Mayan culture lived by a calendar that is very different from the Gregorian calendar that we use in modern days. People organize their life around this calendar, but it’s a very arbitrary way to manage time. If you think about it…why do some months have 30 days, and others 31? And even a month that sometimes has 28 and other times 29! This calendar is not in sync with the earth and our nature. The Mayan Tzolkin is a way by which we can live in synchrony with the natural time cycles. It is a very complex calendar that can be difficult to understand, but the important part is that it embraces the true fractality of time and the cycles of nature, such as the cycles of the moon (4 weeks of 7 days). The purpose of this site is not to explain the Mayan Tzolkin, but rather to help you leverage how it’s designed so that you can be in synchrony with the Universe and be more in line with who you are.

Every day has an energy that supports different parts of your being. A modern application of this ancient knowledge  can guide us through our own unique map as it relates to different aspects that we chose to go through in this lifetime. A birth and transitional map guides us through aspects of our life such as:

Your purpose and mission

Challenges in life and relationships

How every day is different and how it supports you in your path.

Embracing the fractality of time and enabling synchronicity to life life more fully.

Find the archetypes and energies associated with your date of birth!

Enter a date:

Schedule some time with me to get a detailed personal reading and interpretation to understand all your archetype energies according to the Mayan Tzolkin

  • Your Destiny Kin
  • Kin that you’re transiting this year.
  • Oracle of your birth and for the year you’re transitioning now
  • Wavespells of 13 Seals and how they relate to different aspects of your being.
  • Explanation of all this information and how to apply it

Personal Reading

Get your full personalized birth chart and detailed reading to understand all the information. The session usually takes about one hour. We can do it on Zoom or Skype.

Personal Mayan Astrology Birth Chart and other reports

Get the Wavespell Journal for the year 2020. It has one page for each of the 29 13-day cycles that span across the gregorian year. It can help you easily track the Kin of the day and it’s associated energies, and it’s a great way to stay in synchrony, be present with what happens for you each day, and log your daily notes. It will help you identify patterns on how each Seal and Tone reflects in your daily life, and with that higher awareness you can navigate your days with more understanding and joy.

Manifest any project or goal by leveraging all the energies that support you. This guide will help you look  at how each Seal supports you in a unique way for each of the 13 aspects for the manifestation of your goals. It is a step by step guide unique to your wavespell.

Available Now!

Mobile Calendar with the daily Kin (energy of the day) and suggestions for the day.

evento del dia

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